The NBA prohibits basketball players from putting straps on their heads

Last season in the NBA league  it was a hit for players to put strips on their heads to resemble a “ninja”.

In any case, that will be a relic of days gone by on the grounds that in the new season, basketball players won’t be permitted to show up with strips in the field.

In particular, the NBA won’t enable ties to be put on their heads since they are worried about wellbeing during the game.

“The players began placing it out last season and we would not like to boycott them in the year. The league has communicated worry about the strips regarding security, size and how they are tied. ”

“We need to consider this before we permit it. We have educated ball players a month ago that they will never again have the option to wear them from the new season, “said Mike Bass, one of the NBA representatives.”

Something else, Jimmy Butler, Jrue Holiday, Montrezl Harrell and Karl-Anthony Towns have set the bar routinely last season.

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